26 oct. 2017
Berlin, October 26, 2017 - axaio software, developer of automation solutions for PDF creation, printing and content correction workflows for the publishing and printing markets, announces the availability of MadeToTag for Adobe InDesign version CC 2018.
axaio MadeToTag is an Adobe InDesign plugin for preparing and exporting InDesign files as tagged, accessible PDF/UA documents. As of now, MadeToTag is compatible with the just released Adobe InDesign CC 2018 version.
MadeToTag increases the productivity and safety of creating accessible PDFs with relevant control functions and provides a consistently good overview while working. Time-consuming problems in the PDF export function of InDesign are solved in the background without any user intervention. Some functions such as complex tables, anchored frames or automatically generated table of contents only make sense with MadeToTag. The MadeToTag UI allows step-by-step guidance and leads any customer safely through the procedure of generating tagged PDF files, without missing any important step.
In order to become familiar with MadeToTag as well as to have a quick and comfortable possibility to search for specific requirements or features in the product, we recently created an MadeToTag online documentation.
Otherwise you can find the new documentation on our website in the support area or directly on the MadeToTag product page.
A free 30 days trial version of MadeToTag is available on the axaio website.
Practical tutorials about MadeToTag are available here.
axaio streamlines PDF creation, printing and content correction workflows for Adobe InDesign, InCopy, Illustrator and QuarkXPress environments. Its flagship product, MadeToPrint, vastly enhances the reliability of PDF creation, print output processes as well as export to other file formats and seamlessly integrates into editorial environments based on vjoon K4, WoodWing Enterprise, Van Gennep PlanSystem4 or Quark Publishing System. Another topic axaio software is focusing on is the generation of accessible documents, a theme of growing importance. axaio solutions are being used by publishing houses, advertisement agencies, prepress service providers and packaging companies all over the world. axaio software actively supports the international PDF standards and is member of the PDF Association.
More information on the axaio website: www.axaio.com.
Four Pees
Justine Trio
Phone: +32 9 237 10 00
Mail: justine.trio@fourpees.com
Web: www.fourpees.com