pdfToolbox SDK

pdfToolbox SDK es un kit de desarrollo de software que permite integrar la funcionalidad de pdfToolbox de la manera más cercana posible dentro de tu propia aplicación.

Release notes

  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where OutputIntent file created with incomplete naming [CA1032330]
  • Problem solved where the JVM crashes at the end of the processing (in certain situations) [CA1033143]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where trigger values cannot be obtain on document hits [CA1033015]
  • Problem solved where SDK does not working in sandbox environment on macOS [CA1032951]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 14.4.622 (new features and fixes)
  • Improved performance on preflighting with huge number of hits [CA1032919]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 14.4.621 and pdfaPilot 12.4.372 (new features and fixes)
  • PTB_Preflight: avoid progress calls with “Analyzing page x:” for pages that are excluded by used page selector


  • Problem solved where PTB_DocIDDrawToBuffer crashes if render page box is outside of the CropBox and RGBA is used [CA1032656, CA1032643, CA1032839]
  • Problem solved where generation of image mask report could fail randomly if an other PDF report was generated previously [CA1031731]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where PTB_Report with PTB_ePDFLayer creates no layers if page range is used [CA1032518]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where PDF/A conversion fails when more then one embedded file is involved [CA1032377]
  • Problem solved where PTB_Preflight crashes if no PTB_PRCEnumDynParamCallback is used
  • Problem solved where sifter based checks used as system user fails [CA1027455 CA1032317]
  • Problem solved in our sample applications where invalid PDFA still claims PDF/A
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where PTB_LibRelease incorrectly released the objects too early within a thread [CA1032145]
  • Problem solved where PTB_SaveBufferAsImage fails when the path to the target image file is very long [CA1032195]
  • Problem solved where PTB_LibGetPath with unsupported types led to undefined result [CA1030231]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 14.0.597 and pdfaPilot 12.0.355 (new features and fixes)
  • Added PTB_LibSetLimits to limit memory or timeout - C only [experimental]
  • Added DocumentID API (ptbBuffer.h) - C only
  • Binaries on macOS are universal binaries containing x86_64 and arm64


  • Improved profile caching for resources [CA1031319]
  • Problem solved where output file after FilePickup was wrong [CA1031844]
  • Problem solved where wrong bookmarks created in the email conversion [CA1031569]
  • Problem solved where attachments were ignored if they begin with dot (.) in the email conversion [CA1031784]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Support for the latest version of electronic invoice standards: Factur-X 1.0.06 (ZUGFeRD 2.2, XRechnung) from March 2022
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 13.1.586 (new features and fixes)
  • Improved cleanup of temporary files (ThreadSafe)
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 13.0.576 (new features and fixes)
  • Added PTB_LibGetPath to retrieve current temp and cache folder [CA1030857]
  • Added possibility to use trylicenseserver.callassoftware.com [CA1030975]


  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where PTB_SaveAsPDF crashes when font files with resource forks are present (macOS) [CA1030687]
  • Problem solved where SaveAsPDF aborts with EError.MemoryErr when an empty array is passed as argument (.NETCore) [CA1030762]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where result file was not properly closed/released when Action is used [CA1030561]
  • Problem solved where Variables are not evaluated for QuickFix and Actions [CA1030606]
  • Problem solved where PTB_PRCEngineImportPackage crashes in ThreadSafe variant [CA1029852]
  • Problem solved where pdfebe.exe was not signed on Windows [CA1030664]A
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Based on pdfToolbox 12.2.562
  • PTB_SaveAsPDF: added flag PTB_ePDFExportSaveOptimized
  • PTB_SaveAsPDF7: fixed 'logfile' parameter [CA1030434]
  • PTB_LibAddPath: improved usage and fixed handling to clear internal list
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Removed dependencies to libgtk-x11 on Linux
  • Problem solved where PDF/A-4 was not handled by PTB_CheckPDFA or PTB_ConvertPDFA [CA1030074]
  • Problem solved where getting and setting CondDataNumberUnit failed [CA1030023]
  • Problem solved where migration of CondDataNumber with unit to CondDataNumberUnit fails [CA1030154]
  • Problem solved where UserUnit was not respected for PTB_ehdtGetPathParams in PTB_ResultGetHitData [CA1027789]
  • PTB_ResultGetHitData: added PTB_ehdtPageUserUnit
  • IPL_PDFOutputStream_Close: changed signature to allow different saving operations [CA1028947]
  • PTB_LibRegisterCustomResource: added more resource types PTB_ertCurve, PTB_ertSpotColorLibrary and PTB_ertInkSpotCurve [CA1030189]
  • Problem solved where PTB_ConvertUTF16ToUTF8 incorrectly convert strings containing special characters (such as umlauts)Al
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 12.0.552 and pdfaPilot 10.0.330 (new features and fixes)
  • Important:
    We moved to .NET Core wrapper - if you need the older .NET wrapper, you will find the library inside var/legacy
  • Important:
    We updated to APDFL 18, please make sure that no DL15*.* files are present from previous versions


  • Improved error handling on JavaScript errors [CA1029679]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 11.0.523 and pdfaPilot 9.0.320 (new features and fixes)
  • Important: We changed the default to the thread safety variant - if you need the single threaded variant or use the IPL or PDDoc interfaces, you will find the library inside var/legacy


  • Improved callback structure in the .NET wrapper (no static and allowed lambda syntax) [CA1028478 CA1028471]
  • Improved PRC API (C/C++) for standard settings (embedded files and PDF/E) [CA1028536]
  • Problem solved where junction of directory failed under Windows (ThreadSafe) [CA1028553]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved, where the flags parameter from PTB_Preflight / PTB_ConvertPDFA was not considered (eg. PTB_epfNoOptimization) [CA1028302]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved error handling if invalid Fixup configuration is used [CA1028211]
  • Improved Variable evaluation - type safety [CA1028049]
  • Updated language dictionaries: cz, da, fi, ko, nl, no, pl, pt, sv, zh_CN, zh_TW [CA1028207]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where PTB_ConvertSysToUTF8 and PTB_ConvertUTF8ToSys incorrectly convert strings containing special characters (such as umlauts) [CA1027992]
  • Improved stability (ThreadSafe extension) [CA1027990]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where conversion failed when file path contains unicode characters [CA1027889]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Based on pdfToolbox 10.1.484 + pdfToolbox 10.1.482
  • Improved PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroRepos and PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroReposFromUser2 [CA1027175]
  • Improved performance on Variable evaluation [FP51750]
  • Problem solved where PDF reports displayed wrong characters (special characters such as umlauts) [FP51757, CA1027738]
  • Problem solved where dirty PDF files were not saved before corrections were applied when identical to the input file [CA1027752]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK

Features + Fixes


  • Problems solved where the URL was not compared in PTB_OIAdd [CA1027023]
  • Problems solved where same Variables listed multiple times

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK

Features + Fixes

    • Based on pdfToolbox 10.0.469 (new Features and Fixes)

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK

Features + Fixes

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problems solved where interprocess shared memory file was not removed properly (ThreadSafe) [CA1026700]
  • Problems solved where PTB_OIAdd crashed and created unnecessary files [CA1026715, CA1026732]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where export of profiles with HTML template resources failed [CA1026582]
  • Problem solved where JavaScript variables were not evaluated correctly by using process plans [CA1026584]
  • Problem solved where ICC profile was missing when exporting OutputIntent [CA1026578]
  • Problem solved where the creation of the temporary working directory failed [CA1026578]
  • Problem solved where PTB_PRCEConditionLogic for a Rule was always AND [CA1026660]
  • Problem solved where syntax problems were not reported (hit callback) [CA1023718]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved stability and performance (ThreadSafe extension) [CA1026447]
  • Problem solved where the SDK does not work on Chinese operating systems [CA1026411 CA1026039]
  • Problem solved where input file will be overwritten by using process plans [CA1026268]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved stability and performance (ThreadSafe extension)

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 9.1.413 (new features and fixes)
  • Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library integrated (v15.0.1PlusP1e) for Windows, MacOS and Linux


  • Based on pdfToolbox 9.1.413 (new features and fixes)
  • Fixed memory leak in ThreadSafe extension where objects cannot be released in a case of an error
  • Problem solved where the Java wrapper does not work on Mac 10.11 with activated System Integrity Protection [CA1025662]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved stability (ThreadSafe extension) [CA1024919; CA1025126; CA1025130]
  • Problem solved where fixups are no printed correctly on language change [CA1025119]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where the Java wrapper does not work on Mac 10.11 with activated System Integrity Protection [CA1024834]

Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 8.3.371 (new features and fixes)
  • Added ability to set maximum pages after this limit only pages with problems/hits will be stored
  • Added ability to hide checks with severity for the report creation


  • Improved performance [CA1024560,CA1024430]
  • Improved memory usage for the Java wrapper [CA1024430]

Adobe PDF Library

  • Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4q for all supported operating systems
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where the email conversion failed if no template (default) is specified
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved Acrobat DC support (Acrobat DC Continuous and Classic are now supported) [CA1024424]
  • Problem solved where PTB_LibSetPath returns PTB_eerrUnknown if called before PTB_LibInit [CA1024414]
  • Problem solved where a process plan caused an abort in PTB_PreflightRelease [CA1024355]
  • Problem solved in PTB_SplitPDF where input file has no extension (.pdf will be forced now) [CA1024359]
  • Problem solved in the ThreadSafe extension to handle unicode strings [CA1024375]
  • Problem solved in IPL_GetErrorStringFromErrorCode where empty string are returned [CA1024367]
  • Problem solved where copying profile data with meta data caused a crash

Adobe PDF Library

  • Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4n for all supported operating systems
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where input file will be overwritten by using process plans [CA1024339]
  • Problem solved where the result after increase line width was not expected [CA1024209]
  • Problem solved where increase line width with custom check was not functional [FP29816]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Improved PDF/UA-1 validation
  • Improved structured HTML export for tagged PDF
  • Improved error code for the PDF reports where the input file was encrypted [CA1024272]
  • Problem solved where a relative path for the reports fails [CA1024185, CA1024206]
  • Problem solved where multichannel TIFF files cannot be opened [CA1024316]
  • Problem solved where collection with HTML template fails [CA1024017]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Based on pdfToolbox 8.1.354 and pdfapilot 6.0.245 (new features and fixes)
  • Added ability to convert non-PDF attachements to PDF for the email conversion [CA1022965]
  • Added .NET 2 wrapper for backward compatibilty on Windows [CA1024233]


  • Problem solved where the result of email conversion was not expected [CA1024244, CA1024204, CA1024203, CA1023987, CA1024009]
  • Problem solved in PTB_PRCEngineImportAcroReposFromUser2 with Acrobat DC [CA1024173]

Adobe PDF Library

  • Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP4j for all supported operating systems
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where email conversion was broken (no header fields and xmp metadata) [CA1024026]
  • Problem solved where office conversion fails with special locale [CA1024052]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Improved possibility to obtain information during ZUGFeRD failures that prevent the conversion (e.g. XML schema errors) [CA1023968]
  • Problem solved where password protected archives coud not be processed [CA1023988]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK


  • Problem solved where OutputIntent handling and API was broken [CA1019444]
  • Problem solved where SoftMask without Resource Dict was not properly handled [CA1023878]
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK

Features + Fixes

Adobe PDF Library

  • Version 10.1.0PlusP3c for all supported operating systems
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK

Features + Fixes

Adobe PDF Library

  • Updated to version 10.1.0PlusP3n for all supported operating systems
  • Update of pdfEngine SDK is free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfEngine SDK, pdfToolbox SDK or pdfaPilot SDK



  • Problem solved where string values could not be converted corretly in the thread-safe SDK [CA1023815]
  • Problem solved where property 'PDFVT::NumberOfTimesXObjReferenced' lead to crash [CA1023748]
  • Problem solved in PTB_SaveEmailAsPDF where 'noconvert' generated reduntant entries for overview and bookmarks [CA1023836]