Globalvision announces GlobalVision 5.8.2

09 déc. 2020 By Sam Claeys

Actualités GlobalVision

Globalvision introduces the release of GlobalVision Desktop 5.8.2 for Windows. This validated release addresses several bug fixes to provide better stability and improved performance, along with new features to increase usability and efficiency for users.

What's new?

New features for optimized inspections
Users now have the ability to launch GlobalVision Desktop in the same language used while installing the application, simplifying the launch process from installation to the user's first time logging into the application. Also new in this release is the ability to select multiple pages as well as multiple inspections at once. This creates a more intuitive user experience within the application and enables quicker inspections by allowing the user to include or exclude pages.

UI updates and new Text Grouping features
The latest desktop release includes a new application style sheet that boasts improvements to the user interface, including new icons and checkboxes to create a more intuitive user experience when running inspections. Users can also group together identical differences in Text Inspection, allowing them to easily sort between differences and discard false positives.
Installer update for improved and efficient connectivityDesktop version 5.8.2 features an installer update that allows the user to select the type of installation they require without having to contact the Support Team. This update simplifies the installation process by making it more intuitive and facilitates large-scale enterprise deployments.
Additional Improvements:
  • Users can now send crash reports for easier troubleshooting
  • New intuitive Text Profiles to facilitate the onboarding of first-time users
  • RTL Unicode exemption changes
For more information, read our full release notes or visit the GlobalVision blog.

To upgrade to 5.8.2 contact our sales team

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