ColorLogic ColorAnt 7 Coming December 2020!

09 Dez. 2020 By Sam Claeys

We are excited to announce the upcoming release of ColorAnt 7, the ultimate color measurement tool with an estimated launch date of December 9, 2020.

ColorAnt 7 brings overall new capabilities and enhancement to the features used every day. Major features include:

  • New Proof Evaluation tool for Contract Proof and Validation Print assessment
  • Measurement data report with many new features: - Report creation for multiple data sets - New G7 comparison check - New Match Process Colors advice
  • New Spot Color Report added in ColorEditor
  • Compare measurement data with other measurement data in the Spider Web View
  • New G7 evaluation graph in the TVI View
  • Add zoom function with short cuts to 2D View, 3D View and the Compare dialog
  • Sorting by the chosen compare method in the Compare dialog
  • Many more improvements and features

For the latest list of new features, please see the What's New documentation or you may also view the Overview of New Features video for ColorAnt 7.

Sample data is now available on our Online Help - > Tutorials. Along with Video Tutorials and Case Studies, these are a great way to get hands-on experience with everyday color measurement scenarios to learn the full potential of our applications. Access to the sample data will also be available via the Help menu in ColorAnt 7.

All ColorAnt 6 users with a current Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) will be able to upgrade to the latest version of CoPrA on the release date. Users without an SMA will have access to the special upgrade pricing and should be encouraged to add an SMA to their purchase for future upgrades.

If you purchased a new license for ColorAnt 6 after the 15th of November, they will receive the upgrade free-of-charge. Upgrade purchases not included.

Do you want to try the new ColorAnt 7? It's not too late. Just send a license request to You will find the download links below to the latest release candidate. Feedback is always encouraged.

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