04 May 2021
What is the best way to communicate about color?
This Four Pees Café is the second episode of a new series of Cafés where color is the main theme. As usual the Four Pees Café’s are meant to be introductions to certain applications or areas of knowledge, so we’re starting from scratch and building up to the current state of color management and how it works.
There are many ways to discuss color. We can for example use the Dutch term “appelblauwzeegroen” which translates to “apple-blue-sea-green” and describes a color much like turquoise. But the fact that we have to explain this to you shows that this may not be the best way to communicate this color.
Some ways to describe colors work better for some workflows. In this Café, Four Pees' color guru Michiel Van den Saffele will discuss a few of these methods and talk about standardization and color differences.
Video in English
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