Enfocus Switch

Switch is a modular automation solution that connects pieces into a seamless workflow. It eliminates errors, reduces repetitive tasks and increases productivity.

How can we help?

Automate repetitive tasks

Feel like your operators are doing the same time-consuming tasks over and over again? Not anymore! Enfocus Switch automates tasks such as file checks, file renaming or file collections and transfer to the right folders. Thus, freeing up time for your employees for the job at hand.

Routing files from anywhere to anywhere

With Enfocus Switch there is no more need for the manual routing of files from one folder to another. By setting up a specific workflow, all files will be handled automatically in the same manner based on file properties such as name, color space or metadata. Eliminating errors in errors in the phase of creating, archiving, printing and sending documents.

Connect applications from different vendors

Thanks to Enfocus Switch you are able to link different applications in the print process with each other. In this way you are able to streamline the information flow in the entire print process and also keep a full overview of your workflows.

Online collaboration

The entire approval flow of a print proof with the different stakeholders can be very time consuming. Thanks to Enfocus Switch the entire approval flow is streamlined and digitally documented. Once digitally approved, the order goes into production, eliminating discussions with the client on approval flows.

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Hi, I'm Niek!

I'm the specialist on this matter for your region. Don't know where to start? Call me, schedule a videocall or send me an e-mail. I'm all ears. Together we'll figure this out!

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