Four Pees Café - Discover REST API for pdfToolbox CLI

15 Nov 2021

Let’s be honest, when it comes to automating all your preflight procedures in your platform, you can’t go wrong with pdfToolbox CLI. However, perfection does not exist, as we’ve heard some popular requests from clients such as the availability of job queuing, working different jobs in parallel and calling the CLI from a different location.

So what did we do? We brought together our brightest minds (that were available at the time) to solve those issues by creating a REST API for pdfToolbox CLI which allows you to

  • Queue several jobs awaiting production.
  • Work in parallel
  • Call the server from a different location.

In this Four Pees Café, our CTO David van Driessche will dive deeper into our pdfToolbox CLI REST API to show you everything that’s under the hood, so you can start racing through production files.

Webinar in English

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