Dans sa version serveur, MadeToPrint est configurable à distance et assure fiabilité, stabilité et performance pour tous les flux de sortie dans des environnements InDesign.
The server version of MadeToPrint can be configured remotely and guarantees reliability, stability and performance of all output workflows in InDesign-based environments. Teams struggling with insufficient or unfriendly output procedures can use axaio MadeToPrint Server to speed up and standardize printing and exporting.
MadeToPrint Auto solves issues by automating, extending, enhancing, and streamlining printing and output processes. Predefined jobsets provide identical output from every file for increased efficiency, as well as considerable time and cost savings. MadeToPrint seamlessly integrates in any editorial system.
axaio MadeToPrint offers streamlined and faultless production with standardized file naming, adding info bars, handling language layers and finally providing a fully imposed ready to print file. Leading to a streamlined approval process, even with documents in multiple languages and versions.
MadeToPrint helps with all technicalities of preparing files for print (misprints, issues with layers) by extending, enhancing, checking and streamlining all output processes. Create output jobsets, make them available to all users, and get identical output from every workstation every time.
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