Update of pdfaPilot 2 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot 2 Desktop license
Update of pdfaPilot Server 2 or pdfaPilot CLI 2 free of charge for owners of a Software Maintenance Agreement (SMA) for pdfaPilot Server 2 or pdfaPilot CLI 2
Visual comparison of PDF documents
Preflight Certificate for safer document delivery
Re-distilling of PDF documents in CLI
Font and document structure optimization
Support of PDF based ISO Standards:
File format conversions extended:
Conversion to PDF from
Images (TIFF, JPEG, PNG)
MS Office 2011 Mac
iWork 09 Pages
Conversion from PDF to
Improvements to the Desktop version
Output Preview
Smoothing parameter added to action Image export
Optimized activation process
PostScript to PDF
Image to PDF
PostScript export
Content export
Extended fixups
Flatten transparency extended to resave images as ZIP when choosing Optimization setting Best quality
Convert fonts to outlines extended to process fonts that are not embedded
New properties
Detect visual differences
Layer metadata
Several new properties for PDF/VT
Several new predefined Profiles, Checks and Fixup (can be filtered with “v2.4” in search field of Desktop version)
Conversion to PDF/A extended to compress all uncompressed objects using lossless ZIP compression
Support for metadata of layers
Performance improvement in CLI when processing kfpx profiles through caching of kfpx profiles and reducing command line output
Memory handling improved
CLI options added:
to Overlay to change order of PDF documents
to enumerate kfpx profiles
to Save as image and Create EPS to specify number of digits when indexing output files
Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9.1 integrated
PDF/A analysis
Problem solved where missing CharSet was reported although it was present
Problem solved where analysis of a PDF file ended with error message
Problem solved where ToUnicode CMap was not properly analyzed
PDF/A conversion
Font corrections
Problem solved where glyphs were not handled properly when differences array from TrueType fonts were removed
Problem solved where error message occurred when glyph width of Type 3 font was fixed
Problem solved where ToUnicode CMap was not properly adjusted
Problem solved where Symbol font was not embedded properly
Transparency flattening
Problem solved where error message occurred after flattening transparency of CMYK object that was tagged with an ICC source profile during processing
Problem solved where force blend color space was not set before transparency flattening
Problem solved where correction of transparency groups was not listed in the report if no other transparent page objects were flattened
Form fields
Problem solved where form fields were modified when adjusting them for PDF/A
Problem solved where PDF file without suffix PDF was not processed
Problem solved where file size increased because page objects were not ZIP compressed in the converted PDF file
Problem solved where converted PDF document could not be displayed properly in Acrobat 9
Problem solved where Output Intent was exported into kfpx profile although not necessary
pdfaPilot Server application
Problem solved where error message occurred when two CLI instances performed font substitution at the same time
pdfaPilot 2.3.130
Release date: 2010-12-15
Update of pdfaPilot 2 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot 2 Desktop license
Support for PDF/A-2 ISO standard
Embed files in PDF files
Support for Office documents extended
Added support for Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, Microsoft Publisher and Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit) to Windows version
Added support for OpenOffice.org to Mac version
Option added to save office documents as PDF without converting to PDF/A
Performance improved
Memory handling improved
Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9.1 integrated
New optimization of internal PDF structure during saving now creates smaller file sizes, especially with complex PDF files
pdfaPilot 2 Desktop improved
Support of Acrobat X Pro
Batch processing of Switchboard actions added including Profiles, Checks and Fixups within the Workspace
PDF/A in one click: Technical view for detailed problem analysis when conversion fails
New action: Office to PDF/A: Create PDF/A documents directly from office files
Organize pages: Easily move pages in PDF documents
Visualizer: Visualizes print-relevant characteristics of PDF documents
Sidebar added for embedded files and bookmarks
Control via keyboard extended, e.g. for scrolling pages
Revert option to undo changes and get back to original file
Open recent option added
New Checks added
Several checks added for all aspects of PDF/A-2
Page description errors of PDF files are reported with detailed error messages
New Fixups added
Adjust colors for PDF-based ISO standards
Make document XMP Metadata compliant with PDF/A-2
Remove all xmpMM:Manifest metadata entries
Recompress JPEG 2000 images as JPEG
Remove unnecessary transparency groups
Remove CharSet if incomplete
Remove CIDset if incomplete
Extended fixups
Adjust OCCDs for PDF-based ISO standards
Remove XMP Metadata if not compliant with PDF/A
Convert TrueType to CID
Map spot and process colors
Embed missing fonts
Rotate pages extended to apply page rotation factors
Initial view extended to support magnification 100%
Transparency flattening also available on Mac, Linux and Solaris Sparc
Support for page scaling factors (user units) to handle sheet sizes larger than 200 by 200 inches
XML report extended to list annotations
Installation software for Windows improved to better support user rights and have smaller installation packages
PDF/A analysis
Problem solved where missing glyph was incorrectly reported
Problem solved where analysis of a specific PDF file lead to error message
Problem solved where hit “CIDSet in subset font is incomplete” was mistakenly displayed
PDF/A conversion
Problem solved where font was not embedded although possible
Problem solved where layers could not be flattened
Problem solved where glyph width was not fixed properly
Problem solved where PDF document could not be converted because not enough memory was available
Problem solved where conversion ended with error message
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved were embedding failed when font should be embedded completely
Set XMP Metadata fields: Problem solved where XMP entry was not set
Office conversion
Problem solved where Excel document was not properly processed on chinese operating system
Problem solved where detailed results were not displayed when results dialog was opened via Report button of an action
Problem solved where menu entries were not grayed out at the time when they are not functional
Problem solved under Windows 7 where converted PDF was not displayed properly
Problem solved in XML report where time zone was not evaluated
Problem solved where callas icon was placed in PDF files when creating layer report
pdfaPilot 2.2.121
Release date: 2010-08-31
Update of pdfaPilot 2 Desktop free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot 2 Desktop license
PDF/A analysis
Problem solved where hit “CIDSet in subset font is incomplete” was mistakenly displayed
pdfaPilot 2.2.118
Release date: 2010-06-02
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot licence.
Improved font embedding
Settings for font substitution improved to embed even more fonts (updater need to remove fontsubstitution.cfg in user prefs in advance)
Font substitution activated when converting via
Switchboard action PDF/A-1
Power tools profiles “Convert to PDF/A-1a” and “Convert to PDF/A-1b”
Switchboard action Embed font
Office document conversion to PDF/A
Problem solved under Windows where office document could not be processed because Word instance was not able to close the document processed before
pdfaPilot 2.2.116
Release date: 2010-05-04
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot licence
Conversion of OpenOffice.org documents to PDF/A
Documents of all file formats supported by OpenOffice.org 3.2 can directly be converted to PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b
Supports latest version of OpenOffice.org 3.2 besides Microsoft Office 2007
Supported under Windows in pdfaPilot Desktop 2, pdfaPilot Server 2 and pdfaPilot SDK 2 and under Linux in pdfaPilot CLI 2 and pdfaPilot SDK 2
Keep visual and semantic reproducibility by converting to PDF/A-1a
Common issues of PDF/A files created from Office applications are repaired
Office documents that can not be exported from MS Office can be processed via OpenOffice.org
Performance improved when converting MS Word documents to PDF/A
Most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9
Removal of incompatible XMP Metadata is now activated by default to convert even more PDF files to PDF/A
Font substitution improved: Pre-installed setting extended to support more font styles
New correction: Map structure to predefined types improves mapping of structure for PDF/A-1a compliance
pdfaPilot Desktop:
One click conversion can be customized via Preferences
PDF/A compliance level
Custom font folder
Font substitution
Transparency flattening under Windows
XMP Metadata removal
Custom settings in Power Tools are taken over from prior pdfaPilot Desktop 2 version 2.1
PDF/A conversion
Problem solved where Launch action was not converted to PDF/A compliant GoToR action
pdfaPilot Plug-In and Standalone
Power tools
Set PDF version: Problem solved where PDF version was not set
Flatten transparency: Problem solved where glyphs and page objects where modified
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where creating of font cache took long time
Convert fonts to outlines: Problem solved where glyphs were modified
Convert colors:
Problem solved where conversion of JBIG2 image caused error message
Problem solved where tone values of smooth shade defined in Separation or DeviceN where too low
Problem solved where image mask with pattern object remained colored after conversion to grayscale
Problem solved where file size increased when converting smooth shades
Conversion to RGB:
Problem solved where page objects remained CMYK when converting to RGB
Problem solved where smooth shade defined in process colors as Separation and DeviceN where not converted to RGB
Problem solved where file size increased during RGB conversion
Map colors: Problem solved where error message occurred
Flip/Rotate/Scale pages: Problem solved where pattern object was modified
Set media box to origin: Problem solved where smooth shade object was clipped
Set Overprint and Knockout: Problem solved where OPM was not set for DeviceCMYK page object
Switchboard Actions
PDF/A-1: Problem solved where page objects defined in DeviceGray where converted to Separation Black
Flip, Move content, Rotate, Scale by percent, Scale page content, Scale to format: Problem solved where page object defined as Pattern was modified
Problem solved under Windows where language of user interface did not match to language of operating system
Problem solved where user preferences could not be saved on an AFP file server
pdfaPilot Standalone
Problem solved where view could not be changed to other document when more than one document and Power tools where open
Some problems in user interface and loupe solved
Problem solved where automatic activation failed when sending activation information from certain E-Mail clients
Problem solved where activation info was not displayed after activating
Problem solved where activation could not be made for all users of a computer
Problem solved where activation got invalid after changing network device
Problem solved where pdfaPilot was not activated when parameter cachefolder was used
pdfaPilot 2.1.112
Release date: 2010-02-12
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot licence
Plug-In and Standalone: Problem solved where result file was not opened after converting a PDF
pdfaPilot 2.1.111
Release date: 2010-02-04
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot licence
Conversion of Office documents to PDF/A
Documents from Word, Excel, PowerPoint can directly be converted to PDF/A-1a or PDF/A-1b
Keep visual and semantic reproducibility by converting to PDF/A-1a
Common issues in fonts and XMP Metadata of PDF/A files created from Office applications are repaired
Support Microsoft Office 2007
Adapted to the modified requirements of Technical Corrigendum 2 for PDF/A-1
Transparency flattening
New in Windows Desktop, Server and SDK
Based on Adobe PDF Library 9 and additionally highly improved file optimization like improved preservation of image quality
Extension schemas can be captured from PDF files and embedded during PDF/A conversion
Use of most recent version of Adobe PDF Library 9
Corrections added or extended to convert more files to PDF/A
New Correction “Remove additional encoding entries in CMap of symbolic TrueType fonts”
New Correction “Set values to implementation limits of PDF/A if possible”
Correction “Reduce structure to predefined types” improved
Adjusts XMP entries attached to font object created by Microsoft Office
Adjusts URI entries that do not start with an identifier created by Microsoft Office
Performance improved in pdfaPilot Desktop when converting PDF files using Switchboard Actions, Profiles or Fixups dialog
Loupe window in pdfaPilot Standalone
Extension schema editor
Schemas and properties for PDF/X and PDF/E added
Filter added “Document Metadata (undefined)” that filters custom metadata which are not yet defined
Improved software licensing
Full support for Windows 7
Full support for Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
Chinese language version: Activation for international and chinese version can be combined on one machine
pdfaPilot Standalone: kfpx profiles can be imported via Drag&Drop on pdfaPilot application
pdfaPilot Plug-In and Standalone: Reference manual can be accessed via menu entry
PDF/A analysis
Problems solved with the following checks where problem was reported although there was no problem
Mismatch between ID in linearization info and ID in main cross reference table (adapted to Technical Corrigendum 2 for PDF/A-1)
CharSet missing or incomplete for Type 1 font
Font is not valid
Errors in PDF syntax
Problem solved where optional entry for pdfaSchema:schema was treated as mandatory
Problem solved where analysis was stopped because CourierNew was not in list of Base14 fonts
Problem solved when validating against PDF/A-1a where missing Unicode support of fonts was not detected
Problem solved when malformed tagging information could not be analysed
PDF/A conversion
Problem solved where font could not be embedded
Problem solved where glyph widths could not be adjusted
Problem solved where some JPEG2000 images could not be converted to JPEG
Problem solved where PDF could not be converted to PDF/A due to a very low StemV entry
Plug-In and Standalone
Power tools
Convert colors: Several problems solved
Embed missing fonts: Problem solved where PDF could not be printed or EPS creation failed after processing
Convert fonts to outlines: Several problems solved where fonts could not be converted to outlines
Subset fonts: Several problems solved where fonts could not be subsetted
Fix glyph width information: Problem solved where EPS creation failed after processing
Add missing space glyph: Problem solved where EPS creation failed after processing
Convert TrueType fonts to CID fonts: Problem solved where error message was displayed after processing
Convert to PDF standard: names of Output Condition Identifier and Output Condition not properly written to embedded Output Intent
Downsample/Compress images: Problem solved where appearance of JPEG 2000 image was modified
Adjust or remove annotations: Problem solved where annotations were not modified as requested
Problem solved where analysis ended with error message because of a certain type of pattern object
Switchboard Actions
Replace font: Problem solved where font could not be replaced
Problem solved where PDF was not rendered when page boxes are malformed
Problem solved where network user with home directory on an AFP server could not use Profiles dialog
Problem solved when file was closed during conversion
Several minor problems in Extension schema editor solved
Some minor GUI problems solved
pdfaPilot 2.0.097
Release date: 2009-10-29
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot license
Extension schema for xmpMM:InstanceID is embedded during PDF/A conversion
Usability improved: where possible the conversion of Actions in the desktop flavors is made on the open document and no Save as dialog is displayed
PDF/A analysis
Problem solved where transparent FormXObject was not found with respective check
Problem solved where glyph mismatch was reported although there was no problem
Problem solved where unexpected error occurred when analyzing a PDF file
Problem solved where mismatch between ID in linearization info and ID in main cross reference table was detected although there was no problem
PDF/A conversion
Problem solved where OPI was not removed completely
Problem solved where unexpected error occurred when converting a PDF file to PDF/A
Switchboard Actions
Booklet: Cut marks are also set for pages if they are added dynamically by pdfToolbox to fill the sheet
Optimize for internet: Fonts are no longer converted to outlines
Plug-In and Standalone
Problem solved where processing was not applied to currently active document
Problem solved where ICC profile could not be embedded as source profile when converting via PDF/A in one click dialog
Problem solved under Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard where some predefined color conversion fixups using pre-installed ICC profiles could not be executed
pdfaPilot 2.0.095
Release date: 2009-07-23
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot Desktop license
First release of Chinese language version of pdfaPilot 2 Desktop (separate installation package)
New fixups in Standalone that were only available in Plug-In version before:
Apply ZIP compression to uncompressed object streams
Discard embedded thumbnails
Discard private data of other applications
Optimize PDF for fast web view
PDF/A conversion
Problem solved where glyph width could not be corrected
Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Power tools
Fix glyph width info: Problem solved where glyph width was not fixed
Convert SMask to image mask: Problem solved where error message was displayed after conversion
Convert colors: Problem solved where OPM was not set to 0 when overprinting DeviceGray was converted to DeviceCMYK
Set transparency blend color space: Problem solved where transparency blend color space was not set to RGB ICC profile
Remove objects outside page area: Problem solved where object was removed that was lying partly inside page area
Switchboard Actions
PDF/A - Replace fonts: Problem solved where glyph width was not adapted when replacing font fully
Pages - Scale by percent: Problem solved where execution of action did not have any effect
Problem solved where error message was displayed when opening Profiles dialog
Problem solved where encrypted PDF files, annotations and form fields were not displayed
Problem solved where black and white image was displayed with inverted color
Problem solved where page number, Standards button or icon for modified file was not displayed reliably
Problem solved where active document could not be changed when Profiles, Checks or Fixups dialog was open
pdfaPilot 2.0.093
Release date: 2009-07-03
Update free of charge for owners of a pdfaPilot Desktop license
First release of pdfaPilot 2
Including Standalone version for Mac and Windows as part of pdfaPilot 2 Desktop version
First release of Plug-In version for Mac
Extension schema editor added
Lists most frequently used extension schemas
Lists extension schemas of current PDF document
Allows for creating custom extension schemas
Allows for embedding extension schemas to keep custom metadata in PDF/A files
Feature set of Plug-In greatly expanded, amongst others these are:
Action to convert a PDF to both PDF/A-1b & PDF/X-3
Actions to create detailed PDF reports about fonts, images and colors
Actions to optimize PDF files for size or printing
Actions to adapt the brightness of a PDF file
Actions to scale and rotate pages
Actions to arrange pages for print out and presentation
Actions to (re-)embed fonts or convert them to outline
Actions to easily get in contact with callas software
Very detailed possibilities to analyze and modify PDF files
Correction to make text visible that was created during scanning by an OCR software
Analysis profile to list potential font problems
Tools to
Explore PDF
Explore Fonts
Explore Metadata
Analysis extensions
Date string uses Unicode added
Check for invalid extension schemas improved
Conversion extensions
Convert TrueType fonts to CID fonts added
Reduce structure to predefined types added
Insert missing Type entry in StructElem objects added
Prepare encoding entry in TrueType fonts for PDF/A added
Font embedding only performed if text rendering mode is not 3
Corrects several syntax problems during conversion
Problem solved where wrong value type for XMP property dc:creator was not detected
Problem solved where invalid URI was not detected
Problem solved where missing xpacket entries in XMP metadata was not detected
Problem solved where form field with an appearance and an N entry that has two appearance streams was not detected
Problem solved where syntax problem was not detected (indirect object has object number not preceded by an EOL marker)
Problem solved where mismatch between ID in linearization info and ID in main cross reference table was not detected
Problem solved where correction to remove metadata that is not compliant with PDF/A did not remove all metadata that was not compliant
Problem solved where appearance of certain form fields could not be made PDF/A compliant
Problem solved on Mac where pre-installed font Symbol could not be embedded during conversion
Problem solved where TrueType fonts were embedded with an encoding entry as a dictionary
Problem solved in XML reports where details for problems were only listed for the first 30 hits
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