Create print ready PDF from Office file

This lesson shows a convenient way to convert an OpenOffice document into a print ready PDF that is in conformance with a PDF/X standard and has bleed where needed.

Start callas pdfToolbox

pdfToolbox canvas allows to drag and drop PDF files to open them, but also OpenOffice documents. OpenOffice support requires OpenOffice to be installed on this system. The same is true for Microsoft Office Support on the Windows platform.

Convert the OpenOffice document into PDF

Drag-and-drop the OpenOffice document onto the canvas of callas pdfToolbox 4. OpenOffice has to be installed on the system in order for this feature to work.

Open tool to visualize process separations

In this example, we use the Visualizer tool to show that the whole document is still in RGB and would result in an undesired final print.

Control the process separations

Navigate through the pages to check if black objects are on the black plate only.

Control the process separations – CMY

As the content of the PDF is still RGB, black text also appears on CMY plates.

Control the process separations – K only

Text is in K, but not solid black due to RGB to CMYK conversion.

Open pdfToolbox Switchboard, if not already open

Click the "Color" button.

Navigate to the Color Conversion tools

Click the "Office PDF to CMYK" button.

Office color conversion – select printing condition

Select the desired printing condition. This selection controls the used destination ICC profile that is also attached as an Output Intent.

Perform the "Office PDF to CMYK" conversion

Press the "Execute" button.

Color conversion finished

This step shows a successful conversion.

Control the result of the color conversion

Open the process separations visualization tool.

Control the process separations – K only

Text is in K, but not solid black due to RGB to CMYK conversion.

Visual inspection of objects close to the edges

In the next step, we check if relevant objects are too close to the page edge and if the PDF contains enough bleed. To do this, select the mode "Safety zone".

Check for objects close to the page border

Due to finishing, elements close to the trimmed format might be trimmed (cut off) when the page is cut to the final size. This view highlights the area 5mm inside this trimmed area. No objects of relevance should be there. A relevant object could be a page number.

In the next step, we check for enough bleed

Select the "Bleed area" view.

Bleed area view

This view shows the trimmed area shown as a red line. Elements that shall be printed up to the trim have to extend the trimmed area by about 3 mm.
This example shows that all objects end at the trim.

Open the Loupe window by holding the Shift-Key and drawing a frame around the area of interest

The Loupe tool lets you take a close look. The tool can also be found in the Windows menu or by pressing CMD-L.

To add bleed, navigate to the Pages group in the Switchboard

Click "Create bleed" button.

Create bleed tool

This tool creates the entered bleed by scaling the PDF a little bit. Enter the required values (1) and press the Execute button (2).

Create bleed finished

Open tool "Visualize safety zone" to control the result

Result of bleed creation

The objects are now a little bit larger than the trimmed area and will not cause any issue.

As a last step, we add trim marks to the PDF

For this, navigate to the Prepress group in the Switchboard. Press the "Add marks" tool.

Add marks tool

After entering the desired marks offset (1), press the "Execute" button (2).

View the result of the created marks using the Visualizer tool again

Marks are created based on the trim- and bleed box of the PDF.



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