MadeToPrint Standard

Basé sur des processus de normalisation, axaio MadeToPrint accélère et optimise les flux d’impression et d’exportation. Proposé comme plug-in dans Adobe InDesign, Illustrator ou InCopy, et comme XTension dans QuarkXPress, axaio MadeToPrint permet d’imprimer et d’exporter manuellementen un clic depuis votre document source vers votre ou vos cible(s) de sortie.

How can we help?

Make sure you have the right version

A faultless and streamlined document production

The production processes leading to the final printed document need to be as efficient and reliable as possible, especially when handling specialized documents in multiple languages and versions. axaio MadeToPrint offers streamlined and faultless production with standardized file naming, adding info bars, handling language layers and finally providing a fully imposed ready to print file.

Get identical output every time, a creative’s dream!

Creative teams don’t want to struggle with insufficient or unfriendly document output procedures inside publishing tools. MadeToPrint helps with all technicalities of preparing files for print (misprints, issues with layers) by extending, enhancing, checking and streamlining all output processes. Create output jobsets, make them available to all users, and get identical output from every workstation every time.

Automate packaging creation

MadeToPrint helps automate the creation of different packaging versions, standardize file naming and increase output consistency. Once an output specification is set up in a MadeToPrint JobSet, all files processed with that JobSet will consistently fit the same specification. It also allows you to extract all kinds of versions from the same master file: different language versions, low resolution for customer approval, a technical specification version.

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